Fiction Published!

My first short story got published and you can read it now

Hi everybody,

I have been largely unable to find words lately, partially because I finished writing my book manuscript at the end of January (The Extended Universe, coming next year!) so I’m a bit burnt out, and partially because words right now feel so unsatisfying, so exhausting and endlessly obvious. Fiction writing has felt more fruitful, more powerful, which isn’t a feeling I’m necessarily looking to defend or explain, but which is just what’s going on.

In any case, my first piece of published fiction came out last week, just as I was recovering from the final crazy rush of manuscript publication, so I failed to really mention or share it around. The story, Death of a Murder, is about a crew of trans revolutionaries facing changing conditions in a near-future American Civil War.

It was published in the absolutely amazing collective anarchist journal/zine Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness, and I’m incredibly honored. If you join on Patreon you will get a monthly zine version of everything they publish. You can read it without paywall on their blog.

There is also an audio/podcast version, which you can listen to here.

I hope you enjoy!