Pod Person
I was incredibly honored to be asked by my dear comrades at Death Panel Podcast to come on and talk about a piece I wrote for this newsletter, Remembering as an Act of Revolt. We discussed the Biden administration's counterinsurgent use of denial and forgetting, and how powerful memory can be in this moment as a spur to action, organizing and rising up. If we remember where we were only a few short years ago, it can give us space to imagine a world and a political practice that doesn't merely react to the narrative set by Genocide Joe and the orange man. It came out today, check it out here!
Earlier this month, I joined Io and Miriam for a very fun game attempting to determine "The Only Good (Fictional) Cop. My fighter was Dale Cooper from Twin Peaks. Io described the game much better than I could: "3 pigss enter! Only one will be spared the wall! Is the noir detective a cop? How does copaganda work? Can a cop and its mortal enemy, rock n roll be allies? Idk bud, but we talk about it at length." Did I win? Was Dale Cooper's love of damn fine coffee enough to take him through the revolution unscathed? You can subscribe to The Spectacle Podcast at Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness or wherever pods are found, and listen below!
And at the end of February I helped celebrate the launch of a really exciting and important new book by Andrew Lee, Defying Displacement: Urban Recomposition and Social War. We had our conversation with the always incredible Firestorm Books in Asheville, NC. Defying Displacement is about how class war has been transformed in the wake of deindustrialization, and how thinking through the terms of urban displacement, gentrification, and neighborhood struggles will be a vital way to understand and build the fights to come.Our conversation, "How to Stop Gentrification", looks at the history and future of urban struggle and revolt.
Bonus! My partner Sophie went on This is Hell yesterday to talk about Zionist Feminism and the long history of enemy and reactionary feminisms. Rather than calling them "not really feminists", we need to take the long entwined stories of feminism and colonialism seriously if we want to develop a liberatory queer feminism worth fighting for in this horrific moment! Free Palestine!