Quick Update

Shouting hello from the deepest, dankest writing hole

Hello Everybody,

Happy new year! I hope you survived the holidays and are doing as well as you can be in this moment.

My book is due at the end of the month so I’m in one big final push, which has created some conflicting feelings, as I’m really enjoying writing but also feeling like writing about movies at this moment…well…nothing feels adequate to the moment I suppose. In any case a few updates:

I am incredibly honored to have a piece in an upcoming anthology of anarchist feminist essays, Constellations of Care: Anarcha-feminism in Practice. My piece focuses on the role of trans people in the Occupy ICE movement in 2018, but the book is full of amazing essays by incredible writers. It’s available for pre-order with Pluto press, and i hope you pick it up!

My first piece of professionally published fiction is going to come out this month! It’s being published by Strangers in a Tangled Wilderness, and I’m so excited, I’ve been a fan of SiaTW for a long time and it’s such an honor. It’s a speculative/cyberpunk story about a crew of trans revolutionaries facing shifting realities and strategies as a revolution/civil war enters a new phase. Luckily based on absolutely nothing likely to actually happen.

The statements from Substack founders that Nazis are a-ok with them have me scheming to migrate my newsletter elsewhere. It’s gonna take more work than I originally anticipated so it likely wont happen until after the book manuscript is in, but that should happen in February.

Would like to remind you to please wear a mask wherever you go and avoid congregate indoor gatherings, every new piece of information about Long Covid is more and more dire, and we need to take care of one another when the state actively struggles against and sabotages our efforts to do so.

More soon,
